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(Demo Teacher) Amir
Iza Admin
Iza Pukunui

Embark on a journey through the realm of online learning while experiencing the versatile tools and activities offered by the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS). Designed to showcase the capabilities of Moodle and demonstrate various online learning methodologies, this course offers a unique blend of theory and practical application.

Discover the fundamentals of effective online learning, from engagement strategies to collaborative activities, all within the immersive environment of Moodle LMS. Through interactive modules and simulated scenarios, you'll explore how different forms of online learning can enhance your understanding and proficiency in various subjects.

Engage with dynamic course materials, participate in collaborative discussions, and leverage Moodle's diverse range of learning resources to deepen your knowledge and skills. By the end of this course, not only will you have a solid foundation in online learning principles, but you'll also have firsthand experience of how effective online education can be achieved through Moodle LMS.

Section outline


    Moodle LMS can cater the content creation for both Hybrid Learning (or known as Blended Learning) as well as Self-Directed Learning (or also known as OJT or JIT-learning).

    The key item is on the "Restrict Access" and "Course Completion" settings during the course creation itself, as well as the type of tools used to create the course. 

    • 開始: 2024年 04月 22日(週一) 12:41
    • 圖示 作業
      Assignment 作業
      開始: 2023年 03月 17日(週五) 00:00